A Prize In Every Box

This is a place for the random musings and life experiences of one Fliven, who looks for life's fun little surprises, even when its in a giant box of stale, tasteless foodstuffs.

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Location: Sugar Hill, GA, United States

The details of my life remain shrouded in mystery.

Thursday, December 01, 2011

You Are What You Eat

I've decided a fun use of blog is to talk about what I eat, and my feelings on said food. Mostly because I have to spend hours explaining my food theorems and strategems to people.

So first, the basics. I don't like tomatoes or tomato products. If it is MADE with tomato, I DON'T LIKE IT. If it has TOMATO in the ingredients, I DON'T LIKE IT. Inevitably, I'll tell people this, and the first thing out of there mouth will be "what about (x)?" where x is usually ketchup, pizza, spaghetti, etc. I find it much more odd that people will not like tomatoes, but like ketchup, tomato sauce, and so on. That's just WEIRD to me. My sister doesn't like peanuts but LOVES peanut butter. ALSO weird. The one and ONLY exception to this is when there is a little tiny but of ketchup on top of meatloaf.

Secondly, I don't like it when foods mix. This is where things get tricky and require a little explanation. This is less a rule and more a preference, and on a case-by-case basis. Can't do mixed veggies. CAN do chicken soup with different veggies in it. The difference? The ones in the soup, if its cooked right, have all the same texture and fairly close to the same flavor. Skittles must be separated by color, because they're different flavors. But M&M's can be eaten however, because all the colors are the SAME flavor. Someone always tries to be smart at this point and ask what about bread, since it touches whatever you put on it. Bread is a base. It is the food equivalent of water. But really, I'd rather have some bread, a piece of meat, and a slice of cheese on my plate separately instead of a cheeseburger. I prefer things broken down. To a point, anyway. I wouldn't want flour, eggs, milk, and sugar on my plate instead of cookies. This is why its confusing to people, I guess. Cereal with marshmallows, ok. Cereal with fruit, not ok. Apples, bananas, oranges, and grapes, ok. Those things mixed in a fruit salad? Not ok. Grilled cheese, ok. Grilled ham and cheese, not ok.

Today I've had two peanut butter sandwiches so far. Peanuts and peanut butter are awesome. It is a good accompaniment to any food type. Peanut butter and fruits such as bananas? Good. As a sauce on fancy dinners? Good. In chocolatey desserts? VERY good. On hamburgers? Surprisingly good. They are a decent source of protein as well. The bread I chose to put them on was NOT good, though. It is the cheapest stuff they had at the store. I much prefer to use Nature's Own Honey Wheat or maybe a whole grain potato bread.

Later I will be partaking of the fruits of the golden arches. McYummy.


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