A Prize In Every Box

This is a place for the random musings and life experiences of one Fliven, who looks for life's fun little surprises, even when its in a giant box of stale, tasteless foodstuffs.

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Location: Sugar Hill, GA, United States

The details of my life remain shrouded in mystery.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Webring Post #10

This week's topic, courtesy of Miss NYCRouge, is:

Open up the nearest book or publication. Go to the middle of the book and select the sentence that comes at the top of the page. From this sentence, draft a very short bit of fiction, the zanier the better. I'm thinking no more than 100 words, but closer to 50.

Well, I opened up Issue #42 of Renaissance Magazine, which was sitting on my desk (I was checking renaissance festival dates throughout the area) and I flipped to page 44, and read the following sentence:

Indeed, medieval paintings were, for the most part, flat, unrefined pictures that depicted saints and other religious figures.

And now, a very short bit of fiction on the subject.

-"How come, even though my feet are both pointing straight sideways, I'm not falling over?"
-"You moron, I've told you, its because we're flat, unrefined pictures!"
-"Okay, fine, but that doesn't explain why you're like, three times as tall as I am! Are you a giant or something?"
-"No you stupid little midget! For the last time, its because the painter's perspective sucks."
-"You don't have to yell at me, you bloated hairy cow!"
-"But what's with the little elf guy on your shoulder? Is that 'Kazoo'? Ha! Dum-dum!"
-"That's Jesus Christ you daft manikin! We're frickin' religious figures. And at least you don't have snakes wrapped around your legs..."
-"Whatever. This monk's robe itches. I am seriously starting to chafe."

For more on this topic, please use the links on the left-hand side of the page!


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