A Prize In Every Box

This is a place for the random musings and life experiences of one Fliven, who looks for life's fun little surprises, even when its in a giant box of stale, tasteless foodstuffs.

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Location: Sugar Hill, GA, United States

The details of my life remain shrouded in mystery.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Webring Post #5

This week's topic, courtesy of Miss Maryment, is: If you could spend tomorrow doing anything (the "ideal day"), what would it be? and Compare/contrast this day with what your ideal day might have been 10 years ago.

Interesting and fun topic! Let's see, tomorrow. The ideal day. Umm...well, there's "reality" ideal day and "in my dreams" ideal day.

The "reality" ideal day would be to wake up, eat a delicious breakfast of bacon, eggs and buttered toast, and do the crossword. A hot shower with decent water pressure, and a new outfit to wear. Down to the Asian market to pick up some music, pockii, and talk to the fun bakery lady. Then its a leisurely trip past the local bookstore for a really good book, and downtown for an impromptu lunch with some friends. A lovely walk around town (afternoon constitutional), perhaps a chance meeting with a charming young woman whom I would go to dinner with. Journey back home in the evening, feeling tired but happy, making a brief stop at the spa for a massage. Starting a fire in the fireplace and falling asleep in the papasan.

The "in my dreams" day involves the lottery, a swimsuit model convention, zombie hordes, and a talking camel. And possibly a moose riding a bicycle, although he is notoriously sneaky about stuff like that.

As to how it would compare to a day 10 years ago...I'd be skipping school instead of work, wouldn't have to go to DC to have lunch with my friends, and would probably go on a hike in the woods instead of in town.

Comparing the in my dreams...it'd involve a suitcase of cash, the high school pom squad, goblin hordes, and ninja monkeys. And the wily moose on a bicycle.

For more entries on this topic, please use the links on the left-hand side of the page!

Additionally, since the entire world is going to see March of the Penguins, which I think looks dumb, here's a fun link to a game called Smack the Penguin. Enjoy!


Blogger bad apologies said...

It looks SO dumb! To think that The Island got booted from the Uptown after just two weeks for it. Who wants to see even LARGER penguins?

2:16 PM, August 31, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, I admit it, I am a sucker for cute, young, fluffy penguins. Isn't it nice to think that people want to see a sweet, wholesome movie, instead of mass death/violence?
Also, you have to consider previous movies that Morgan Freeman has narrated - Shawshank, Million Dollar Baby - all very, very good movies. The man has a nice voice.

Plus, The Island completely bombed. -M

9:06 PM, August 31, 2005  

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