A Prize In Every Box

This is a place for the random musings and life experiences of one Fliven, who looks for life's fun little surprises, even when its in a giant box of stale, tasteless foodstuffs.

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Location: Sugar Hill, GA, United States

The details of my life remain shrouded in mystery.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Rodolfo's Quirks

So our good friend the disgruntled Rodolfo has been avoiding the traps I have laid out for him for the past several weeks. At first I tried peanut butter, which has proven an irresistable bait for meeces in the past, and who can blame them? Apparently Rodolfo is allergic to peanuts, because he avoided the trap for two weeks, despite the permeating aroma of JiF, which smells more like fresh roasted peanuts than the leading brand.

Not to be defeated so easily, I tried the classic cheese bait. I used Kraft Singles which is made with real milk and contains calcium. Nothing. For a week and a half, nothing. I switched to Velveeta (like cheddar only creamier) and had no results, and am currently trying Swiss cheese.

Makes one wonder if Rodolfo, in addition to being allergic to peanuts, is also lactose intolerant. What an amazing society we live in when our rodents can freely have food allergies! Huzzah. My next bait will be a small slice of a Tastykake Butterscotch Krimpet.

Yesterday Nyx and I went downtown, braving the hideous metro conditions and the cold, Britain-like weather to view the "Pearl Exhibit" at the museum. I say that with derogatory quotemarks because their "Pearl Exhibit" was like, half a dozen items. I mean yeah, the pearl the size and shape of a pear was pretty neat, but half a dozen things does not constitute an exhibit. I feel an exhibit should involve at least 15-20 items, unless they're large objects, like statues or sarcophagi.

Still, we had a good time, ate greasy food, went to the bookstore and messed around. Nyx found a book on dollar-bill origami. I now know how to make a dollar bill into a horseshoe crab. And that is going straight onto my resume.

I forgot to mention the other day that the Write Again Soon blog link to the vegetarian ad was a hoot. I will NEVER look at vegetables the same way again, and am no longer sure I can even eat peas anymore.

Today's link: http://www.collect.com/shows/article.asp?id=24&cookie%5Ftest=1

Only 10 days to Blade Show '05


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